Revealing the New Age Jesus: Challenges to Orthodox Views of Christ

2.40 out of 5 stars


In an era where the lines between fact and fiction blur, the New Age movement has spawned a plethora of misconceptions about the true identity of Jesus Christ. Douglas Groothuis delves into the claims of prominent New Age thinkers, juxtaposing their version of Jesus with the time-honored teachings of biblical Christianity. By confronting New Age beliefs about Jesus head-on, he masterfully illustrates how the Bible provides an unwavering account of the man whose profound impact on world history remains unparalleled. This thought-provoking book is the first of its kind to explore both Orthodox and New Age perspectives on Jesus, offering an accessible introduction to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ for inquirers of all backgrounds. It is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Jesus of Scripture and history.


Douglas Groothuis


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