Reinventing Jesus

4.80 out of 5 stars


In the wake of blockbuster bestsellers like The Da Vinci Code and Misquoting Jesus, a tidal wave of skepticism has crashed onto the shores of popular culture, questioning the singular significance of Christ and the trustworthiness of the New Testament. Reinventing Jesus boldly pushes back against the tide of extreme doubt, uncovering the profound credibility that undergirds historic Christianity. With meticulous research, thorough documentation, and engaging readability, this book extends an invitation to a broad audience to delve into the solid, rational, and convincingly defensible evidence that underpins Christianity's roots. By doing so, Reinventing Jesus empowers believers to think critically about their faith, while also assuring inquiring minds that it's intellectually acceptable to believe.


M. James Sawyer


J. Ed Komoszewski


Daniel B. Wallace


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