Rebuilding the Matrix: Science and Faith in the 21st Century

4.40 out of 5 stars


In the midst of a polarized debate, a silent majority of scientists is rising up to challenge the radical rhetoric that has dominated the conversation between science and faith. Denis Alexander's Rebuilding the Matrix is a clarion call to those seeking a more nuanced and informed discussion. By exploring the historical roots of the science-faith divide, Alexander reveals a rich tapestry of interactions between faith and science that defy simplistic categorizations. From the question of whether evolution has religious significance to the possibility of deriving ethics from evolutionary biology, Alexander tackles the toughest questions head-on, drawing on insights from sociologists, historians, philosophers, scientists, and theologians. The result is a comprehensive and accessible overview of the complex dance between faith and science, one that challenges readers to rethink their assumptions and rebuild a more inclusive matrix for understanding the world. For those tired of the shrill voices of extremism, Rebuilding the Matrix offers a refreshingly thoughtful and balanced exploration of the biggest questions of our time.


Denis Alexander


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