Reason for the Hope Within
4.50 out of 5 stars
Over the past twenty years, Christian philosophy has experienced a remarkable resurgence. Yet, much of this groundbreaking work has remained inaccessible to a broader audience. To bridge this gap, Reason for the Hope Within was conceived as a comprehensive and engaging resource. Featuring fourteen of America's most innovative Christian philosophers, this collection delves into timeless apologetic themes, as well as pressing contemporary concerns: the nature of evil, the possibility of miracles, the existence of heaven and hell, Eastern religions, the intersection of science and faith, and the role of Christianity in shaping ethics. By providing a wealth of cutting-edge insights, Reason for the Hope Within empowers readers to think critically and defend their faith with confidence. The distinguished contributors include Douglas Blount, Robin Collins, J. A. Cover, William C. Davis, Scott A. Davison, Daniel Howard-Snyder, Frances Howard-Snyder, Trenton Merricks, Caleb Miller, Michael J. Murray, Timothy O'Connor, John O'Leary-Hawthorn, Thomas D. Senor, and W. Christopher Stewart.
Maintained by The Apologist Project.
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