Questions to All Your Answers: The Journey from Folk Religion to Examined Faith

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Many Christians cling to a patchwork of untested platitudes and catchphrases gleaned from hymns, devotional literature, sermon anecdotes, and the internet. This haphazard belief system often lacks logical coherence and clarity, making it difficult to articulate, let alone defend, to others. Folk religion is vulnerable to the challenges of secularism and the seemingly rational arguments of cults and new religions. In contrast, Christianity has a rich heritage of intellectual inquiry into other faiths and its own beliefs. As Socrates famously said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." Likewise, great Christian thinkers throughout history have believed that an unexamined faith is not worth believing. Reflective Christianity, therefore, is a mature faith that has undergone rigorous scrutiny, questioning its beliefs in light of Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. This book aims not to dismantle anyone's faith but to fortify it by subjecting it to critical examination. By interrogating ten popular Christian clichés, we can discern whether they contain truth or error. In most cases, the answer is—both. Our goal is not to attack straw men but to chart a path toward a more robust, mature Christian faith.


Dan Kimball


Roger E. Olson


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