Proclaim the Wonder
2.70 out of 5 stars
Proclaim the Wonder offers a vision for the pulpit that celebrates the wonders of the natural world while proclaiming the glory of God.
Does the ascendancy of science signal the demise of faith? Should spiritual leaders shield their congregations from the encroachment of scientific rationality? Or can an enlightened scientific perspective on the universe coexist harmoniously with Christian doctrine, even serving as a powerful catalyst for it? This world is a divine creation, and the pulpit is a vital platform for honoring science's role in illuminating our understanding of it. Building upon a foundation of scriptural authority, Scott Hoezee differentiates between science as a methodical inquiry into the natural world and scientific naturalism, which often metamorphoses into an atheistic, dogmatic, or philosophical worldview. Having established the absence of an inherent conflict between theology and science, Hoezee distills recent breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and our comprehension of human biology and psychology. He underscores fascinating scientific phenomena and extrapolates the theological implications that can be gleaned from them. Proclaim the Wonder presents practical guidance and strategies for incorporating science into sermons, accompanied by sample homilies rooted in pivotal biblical passages. Ultimately, Proclaim the Wonder envisions a pulpit that glorifies the wonders of creation while proclaiming the magnificence of God.
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