Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended

4.70 out of 5 stars


A long-lost treasure has finally seen the light of day! Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen, the stalwart advocate of Cornelius Van Til's groundbreaking Reformed apologetics, penned this comprehensive treatise on Biblical apologetics years before his premature passing. Although he received the typeset proofs, fate intervened, and the sole copy vanished. Consequently, the work remained unpublished. However, through God's providence, Covenant Media Foundation stumbled upon the lost proofs twenty years later and forwarded them to American Vision. Our dedicated editors have since worked tirelessly to prepare the manuscript for publication. The wait is finally over! This seminal work of apologetics meticulously outlines the Biblical presuppositional approach, presents rigorous scriptural evidence, and champions the distinctiveness of this method. This is the book we had always hoped Bahnsen would write, unaware that it had already been penned. Now, rescued from obscurity, this apologetic masterpiece will serve as a seminal resource for Christian defenders of the faith for generations to come.


Joel McDurmon


Greg L. Bahnsen


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