Objections Sustained: Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law & Culture

4.50 out of 5 stars


Phillip E. Johnson is hailed as the most incisive thinker of our era on the subject of evolution, and the leading lay critic of Darwin's theory. In this groundbreaking collection, Johnson unleashes his most compelling arguments against the dogmatic reverence for Darwinism that pervades modern secular culture. But that's not all - he also shares his provocative insights on a diverse range of topics, from the flaws of "pop" science and the importance of religious freedom, to the legacy of American pragmatism, the radical ideas of Paul Feyerabend, the leadership of Winston Churchill, and the relevance of postmodernism and natural law. Whether you're a longtime fan of Johnson's work or just discovering his unique perspective, Objections Sustained is a must-read, showcasing the best of his magazine and journal writings and cementing his reputation as one of today's most influential cultural critics.


Phillip E. Johnson


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