Non-Identity Theodicy: A Grace-Based Response to the Problem of Evil (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs)

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The question of suffering is deeply personal, yet most responses to the "problem of evil" revolve around abstract discussions of greater goods, value maximization, and ideal worlds, portraying God as a detached bureaucrat or utility fanatic rather than a loving parent. Vince R. Vitale breaks away from this trend by introducing Non-Identity Theodicy, a novel approach to addressing the problem of evil. Recognizing the unique challenges posed by horrendous evils to belief in God, Vitale constructs an ethical framework for theodicy by examining four scenarios of human action where such evils are caused, permitted, or risked, either for the sake of pure benefit or harm avoidance. This framework is then applied to the project of theodicy, leading to conclusions that challenge the dominant approach of justifying God's actions in terms of pure benefits. Vitale critiques theodicies that depict God as permitting or risking horrors to prevent greater harm, and instead develops a theodicy that suggests God allows evil because it is a necessary condition for creating individual people whom he desires to love. This approach is distinct because it does not rely on harm-aversion or pure benefit as justification, but rather on the value of individual human persons themselves. Vitale's Non-Identity Theodicy marks a radical departure from traditional approaches, offering a more personal and loving response to the problem of evil.


Vince Vitale


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