More than Myth?: Seeking the Full Truth about Genesis, Creation, and Evolution

3.60 out of 5 stars


For centuries, the debate between Bible-believing Christians and Darwinian advocates has raged on, with neither side able to claim victory. The impasse stems from a fundamental flaw: both camps selectively ignore aspects of truth revealed in nature and Scripture. This groundbreaking book brings together a diverse group of Evangelical and Catholic scholars – scientists, philosophers, and theologians – united in their quest to shatter the status quo. By embracing Progressive Creation and Intelligent Design perspectives, they delve deep into Genesis and the latest scientific discoveries on life's origins. The outcome is a revolutionary approach that finally begins to bridge the chasm, harmoniously reconciling the classical Christian worldview with the findings of modern science. Can a scientifically informed, biblically grounded, and authentically Christian understanding of Creation and Evolution be achieved? This book charts the path forward.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Greg Moore


Fr. Michael Chabarek OP


Dr. Paul D. Brown


Dr. Robert Stackpole


Casey Luskin MSc


Fazale Rana PhD


Hugh Ross Ph.D.


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