Living in Truth: Confident Conversation in a Conflicted Culture by Mary Jo Sharp (September 26,2015)

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We are witnessing a seismic shift in our culture, one that boldly proclaims there is no absolute truth when it comes to God. Tolerance, we're told, means embracing every viewpoint as equally valid - except, of course, for Christianity, which is increasingly marginalized by the secular media and militant atheist rhetoric. This relentless assault not only undermines Christian beliefs but also targets individual Christians. Moreover, the body of Christ is vulnerable to false teachings and cultural influences that erode our faith foundation. Many women, in particular, need to revisit the core of their beliefs, fortifying their confidence in God and His truth. This study aims to empower every Christian to engage in meaningful conversations about truth, following six essential steps: recognizing the need for these conversations, understanding what we believe, grasping the cultural perspective, asking insightful questions, addressing false beliefs, and living a life of unwavering commitment to truth.


Mary Jo Sharp


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