Jehovah's Witnesses (1995)

4.50 out of 5 stars


Behind the façade of fervor and devotion, Jehovah's Witnesses conceal a rigidly structured organization with a checkered past. Their impressive grasp of scripture creates an illusion of spiritual authority. From a humble 1.1 million followers worldwide in 1965, the movement has mushroomed to 4.4 million today. But beneath the surface, the Watchtower Society harbors secrets. What contradictions exist between Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings and traditional Christianity? What drives adherents to dedicate hundreds of hours annually to evangelism? What attracts converts to a cult governed by strict religious hierarchy? In an era where diverse religious groups and movements clutter the spiritual landscape, leaving many seekers bewildered, this series offers a beacon of clarity. Each volume provides a comprehensive guide, comprising: an incisive introduction to the group; an in-depth analysis of their theology, in their own words; practical tips for effective witnessing; a bibliography for further research; and a comparative chart highlighting the fundamental differences between biblical Christianity and the group. The authors, seasoned researchers and experts in their field, present a balanced and accurate portrayal of each movement, empowering readers to discern truth from deception and make informed decisions about their spiritual journeys.


Alan W. Gomes


Robert M. Bowman Jr.


Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements

The Apologist Project

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