Is There Purpose in Biology?: The cost of existence and the God of love
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While atheists argue that the natural world lacks inherent meaning and purpose, Dr. Denis Alexander, renowned Emeritus Director of The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, presents a compelling counterargument. Contrary to the notion of a purposeless world, recent evolutionary biological discoveries suggest otherwise, and the Christian doctrine of creation has consistently fueled scientific inquiry into the natural world. In fact, Christians pioneered the field of biology. However, the existence of pain and suffering raises questions about the compatibility of an all-powerful, benevolent Creator with a world marred by suffering. Through his extensive research in the biological sciences, Dr. Alexander offers a nuanced perspective, proposing that while the cost of existence is undeniably steep, it can be reconciled with the idea of a loving God whose ultimate goals for humanity render that cost more understandable. In this book, he shares his profound insights, delving into the intricate relationships between science, faith, and human existence.
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