Is Easter Unbelievable?: Four Questions Everyone Should Ask About the Resurrection Story
4.70 out of 5 stars
At the heart of the Christian faith lies a miracle: Jesus' resurrection from the dead. But is this supernatural event mere fantasy or historical fact? For millions of believers worldwide, the answer is clear: Jesus' resurrection was a real, tangible occurrence that transformed human history. Yet, as the apostle Paul so bluntly put it, "if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith," leaving Christians "of all people most to be pitied." In this concise and compelling volume, respected apologist Rebecca McLaughlin delves into the evidence that supports Jesus' resurrection, navigating the historical context of his life and death, the trustworthiness of New Testament accounts, and the most plausible explanation for the events surrounding his death and burial. With logical precision and persuasive force, McLaughlin also addresses common objections and presents a powerful case for the resurrection as a historical reality that has reshaped the course of human history.
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