Intelligent Design Uncensored: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Controversy

4.20 out of 5 stars


Amidst the turbulent debate surrounding intelligent design, proponents and critics alike have sought to make their voices heard. But in the midst of the clamor, clarity often gets lost. Bill Dembski, a founder of the ID movement, and Jonathan Witt team up to cut through the confusion, offering a straightforward explanation of what intelligent design is and isn't. With down-to-earth candor, they tackle common objections, revealing how even the most well-intentioned critics often misrepresent ID. You'll be intrigued by their responses to these misleading arguments and surprised by how much misinformation surrounds this contentious issue. This book is your key to understanding the real story behind the intelligent design controversy.


Jonathan Witt


William A. Dembski


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