Intelligent Design (2007): William A. Dembski & Michael Ruse in Dialogue

3.90 out of 5 stars


This collection of essays brings together two prominent voices in the ongoing debate over Intelligent Design and the sufficiency of Darwinian evolution, highlighting areas of consensus and divergence. The controversy surrounding Intelligent Design has sparked intense discussion about the boundaries between science and religious conviction. In this volume, William A. Dembski, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, and Michael Ruse, a renowned philosopher of science, engage in a thought-provoking dialogue that showcases the most compelling arguments on both sides. The Greer-Heard Forum provides a unique platform for these leading intellectuals to articulate their positions, allowing readers to form their own opinions. The volume also features an interdisciplinary analysis of Intelligent Design and Darwinian theory, drawing on the expertise of scientists, philosophers, and theologians, including several of the most influential religious thinkers of our time. Edited by Robert Stewart, this comprehensive collection enables readers to engage with the complexities of this contentious issue.


Robert B. Stewart


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