Humble Apologetics: Defending the Faith Today
4.70 out of 5 stars
In an era of unprecedented religious and cultural diversity, the prospect of engaging in Christian apologetics can seem daunting. How can we convincingly share our faith with others when such overtures are often met with skepticism, if not outright hostility? In Humble Apologetics, John G. Stackhouse, a seasoned historian, philosopher, journalist, and theologian, tackles these pressing questions and offers a refreshingly nuanced and reassuring response. Stackhouse candidly acknowledges the formidable obstacles to Christian witness in contemporary North America and beyond, including the challenges posed by pluralism, postmodernism, and skepticism. He also recognizes the self-inflicted wounds of apologists, whose arrogance and dogmatism can repel rather than attract potential converts. Ultimately, Stackhouse argues that the transformative experience of conversion cannot be coerced; instead, the apologist's role is to gently guide others to the threshold of a life-changing encounter with Jesus. By adopting an attitude of humility, rather than merely seeking to win arguments, believers can offer their neighbors the precious gift of Christ's love. Written with disarming candor and humility, Humble Apologetics provides a trusted roadmap for sharing Christian faith in a postmodern world, making it an indispensable resource for anyone seeking a more authentic and effective approach to evangelism.
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