Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God

4.10 out of 5 stars


The book is a stunning achievement, offering a new perspective on the problem of evil and a new approach to the philosophy of religion. Marilyn McCord Adams shatters the stagnant landscape of analytic philosophy's problem of evil debate with a groundbreaking work that injects fresh perspectives and overlooked resources. According to Kathryn Tanner of the University of Chicago, Adams' characteristic elegance and precision propel the discussion forward by tackling the most egregious forms of evil and exploring untapped wisdom from the Bible and Christian thought. When confronted with unimaginable atrocities, even the most devout believers may question the value of life and the benevolence of God. As a philosopher and minister, Adams addresses this fundamental conundrum of Christian thought, seeking to reconcile faith with the suffering that plagues humanity. Adams argues that the narrow focus of analytic philosophy over the past four decades has neglected the most heinous forms of evil and their devastating impact on human lives. By shifting the discussion to encompass a broader range of evaluative categories, including purity, honor, and aesthetics, Adams demonstrates that philosophical reflection on evil can not only inform theories of God and evil but also provide a valuable framework for pastoral care. This stunning achievement offers a novel perspective on the problem of evil, revitalizing the philosophy of religion.


Marilyn McCord Adams


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