History, Law, and Christianity

4.60 out of 5 stars


In this re-released classic, Dr. John Montgomery presents a compelling defense of Christianity, combining his original work "History and Christianity" with his thought-provoking essay "Christianity Juridically Defended." Developed from a seminar at the University of British Columbia, this book is both accessible and persuasive, divided into four engaging sections. The first section exposes four common fallacies in attacks on the New Testament's historicity. The second section rigorously defends the accuracy of New Testament documents, applying the same standards used for ancient texts. The third section, "God Closes In," presents a powerful case for Christ's divine and human nature. The fourth section demonstrates that if Jesus is not the Son of God, He must be either a liar or a lunatic. The book concludes with Dr. Montgomery's essay and a transcript of a panel discussion, showcasing the practical application of these arguments. This book provides excellent material for classes or individual study, particularly useful for helping young people counter humanistic views of the Bible and Christianity.


John Warwick Montgomery


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