Histories and Fallacies: Problems Faced in the Writing of History

4.60 out of 5 stars


Is it possible to separate historical fact from fiction? In Histories and Fallacies, Carl Trueman, a renowned historian, explores the fundamental issues that underlie the study of history. By examining classic historical problems and their solutions, Trueman provides a comprehensive guide to the discipline of history, tackling questions such as: What constitutes historical truth? Can historians' interpretations be trusted? Through a series of engaging and illuminating chapters, Trueman delves into the complexities of the historical craft, offering practical advice and theoretical insights to historians and history enthusiasts alike. By avoiding common pitfalls and methodological errors, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the past and develop a more discerning approach to historical narratives. Ultimately, Histories and Fallacies inspires a renewed sense of confidence in the power of history to illuminate and enrich our understanding of the world.


Carl R. Trueman


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