Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, and Human Flourishing

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The book will challenge readers to think deeply about the nature of human flourishing and what it means to be fully alive in Christ. The rapid convergence of neuroscience and Christianity has spawned a pervasive bewilderment about the nature and function of the soul. The writings of neurotheologians like Curt Thompson and Jim Wilder have only fueled the confusion, suggesting that our cerebral cortex is the primary driver of our thoughts, convictions, desires, decisions, and very essence. This book sets out to debunk the misguided assumptions of these neurotheologians, presenting a biblically grounded and philosophically informed understanding of the soul's intricate relationship with the body. By doing so, it illuminates the path to a more profound love for God and others, inviting readers to engage in a profound exploration of what it means to thrive as a fully alive and flourishing follower of Christ.


Stan W. Wallace


J. P. Moreland


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