God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?
4.80 out of 5 stars
According to many contemporary thinkers, science has pushed God to the fringes, suffocating Him with its all-encompassing explanations. Atheism, they claim, is the only intellectually defensible stance, and any attempt to revive God would hinder scientific progress. In this provocative and thought-stimulating book, John Lennox encourages us to scrutinize these assertions closely. This book assesses the evidence of modern science in relation to the debate between atheistic and theistic interpretations of the universe, providing a fresh foundation for discussion. The chapters delve into topics such as: The battle of worldviews; The scope and limits of science; The reductionist approach; A universe by design; A biosphere by design; The nature and scope of evolution; The origin of life; The genetic code and its origin; Matters of information; The monkey machine; and The origin of information. Now updated and expanded, God's Undertaker offers a valuable contribution to the debate about science's relationship to religion, providing a meticulous analysis of the philosophical and scientific underpinnings of modern atheism and a robust defense of the Christian faith.
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