God Under Fire

4.20 out of 5 stars


Is God in Need of a Makeover? The notion that God requires a modern-day facelift has sparked intense debate, unsettling both scholars and the general public. Radical feminist and open theist movements, among others, are challenging the traditional Christian concept of God, instead promoting their own innovative interpretations of the divine. God Under Fire takes aim at these emerging theologies, refuting claims that the God of historic Christianity is outdated and false. This book brings together an impressive team of biblical scholars, philosophers, and apologists to tackle the question: Should the God of Historic Christianity be replaced? The authors delve into age-old questions and contemporary debates, including the nature of God's risk-taking, relationality, emotions, and mutability. Through clear and accessible scholarship, God Under Fire presents a compelling case for the God of classical Christian theism, a deity who has faced scrutiny throughout the centuries and remains under fire today. Above all, this collection of essays stays true to the biblical portrait of God, reaffirming the timeless faith of Christians around the world.


Douglas S. Huffman


Charles Gutenson


Mark R. Talbot


Bruce A. Ware


Paul Helm


R. Douglas Geivett


Gerald L. Bray


James S. Spiegel


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