Four Views on Christian Metaphysics

3.70 out of 5 stars


In Four Views on Christian Metaphysics, four esteemed Christian thinkers tackle the most pressing questions in philosophical metaphysics, delving into the very fabric of existence. What constitutes being? What is the essence of existence? How do universals fit into the grand tapestry of reality? And what is the nature of the human soul? As they explore these profound mysteries, they also examine how their findings intersect with divine revelation, both special and general. The book presents four distinct Christian perspectives: the eternal verities of Platonism, the empirical insights of Aristotelianism, the mind-centered approach of idealism, and the radical rethinking of postmodernism. By engaging with these diverse viewpoints, readers will be equipped to develop a rich, nuanced understanding of the ultimate nature of reality and their place within it. Featuring contributions from Samuel Welbaum, Timothy Lee Jacobs, Paul M. Gould, and James S. Spiegel.


Timothy M. Mosteller


Samuel Welbaum


Timothy Lee Jacobs


Paul M. Gould


James S. Spiegel


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