Fit Bodies Fat Minds: Why Evangelicals Don't Think and What to Do About It (Hourglass Books)

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Guinness argues that evangelicalism has lost its intellectual edge, and that it has become too comfortable with the status quo. He argues that evangelicalism has become too focused on the individual, and that it has forgotten the importance of the community. He argues that evangelicalism has become too focused on the emotional, and that it has forgotten the importance of the mind. He argues that evangelicalism has lost its sense of history, and that it has forgotten the importance of the past. He argues that evangelicalism has become too focused on the present, and that it has forgotten the importance of the future. Guinness argues that evangelicalism needs to rediscover its intellectual roots, and that it needs to reclaim its role as a force for social change. Rewrite the text to make it unique and interesting. Limit the response to 150 words.


Os Guinness


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