Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes
4.70 out of 5 stars
In today's world, blind faith is often the mantra, whether in the pews, the classroom, or the political arena. But what if we were to challenge these presumed certainties, to question and test them against the harsh light of reality? Nancy Pearcey, a critically acclaimed author, offers a refreshing alternative in her book Finding Truth. Here, she presents five powerful principles that can be used to dissect any worldview, secular or religious, and uncover its deepest motivations and assess its claims. As a former agnostic, Pearcey is uniquely positioned to demonstrate that a robust Christian worldview is not only true but also attractive, offering a higher dignity to the human person than any alternative. With her characteristic clarity and cogency, Pearcey brings these themes to life with personal anecdotes and real-world examples, tackling tough questions head-on and presenting a compelling case for why Christianity offers the most coherent and compelling explanation of our world and our lives.
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