Faith Is Not Wishing: 13 Essays for Christian Thinkers

4.50 out of 5 stars


The author presents a compelling case for the Christian worldview, offering insights into the nature of God, the significance of Jesus, and the interplay between science and faith. By exploring the intersection of reason and revelation, Koukl shows that Christianity is a coherent, comprehensive, and compelling worldview that speaks to the human experience. Koukl's approach is characterized by his emphasis on the importance of critical thinking. He encourages readers to engage in honest inquiry, to question their assumptions, and to seek answers based on evidence rather than emotion. The result is a book that is both intellectually stimulating and spiritually enriching. "Faith has to do with the unknown," Koukl writes. "But it is not a leap in the dark. It is a step into the light." This book is an invitation to take that step, to explore the rational foundations of Christianity, and to discover a faith that is both reasonable and relevant.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Greg Koukl


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