Evidences of Christianity: Parts 1-4

5.00 out of 5 stars


A careful reading of Evidences of Christianity will demonstrate that the skepticism which pervades much of contemporary New Testament scholarship is not the only possible perspective, and that a more conservative approach to the study of Scripture is not only intellectually respectable but also well-supported by the evidence. Evidences of Christianity is a classic work of apologetics that deserves to be rediscovered and reapplied in the contemporary context. McGarvey's Evidences of Christianity is a powerful and timely reminder that the Christian faith is rooted in history and that the New Testament documents are reliable historical sources, and that a commitment to the authority of Scripture is not a retreat into obscurantism but a rational and intellectually defensible position. The book is a rigorous and comprehensive treatment of the evidence for Christianity, and its arguments are characterized by a deep respect for the integrity of the biblical text and a thorough mastery of the relevant historical data. In Evidences of Christianity, McGarvey presents a thorough and compelling case for the truth of Christianity, and his work remains a vital resource for anyone seeking to understand and defend the Christian faith.


J. W. McGarvey


Timothy McGrew


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