Evidence for God (2010): 50 Arguments for Faith from the Bible, History, Philosophy, and Science

4.40 out of 5 stars


Evidence for God provides a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the most pressing questions and challenges to Christianity that have been raised in recent years. For centuries, skeptics have raised questions about the existence of God as depicted in the Bible, and each passing year brings new doubts to the forefront. In Evidence for God, a team of esteemed apologists presents a robust defense of Christianity, tackling the most pressing concerns of our time. From the validity of Intelligent Design to the historicity of Jesus, the exclusivity of salvation, and the trustworthiness of the Bible, this volume provides thoughtful and well-researched responses to the toughest questions. What about those who have never encountered the gospel message? Are the recently unearthed gospels authentic? Evidence for God offers a thorough and authoritative exploration of these and other challenges to the Christian faith, providing a reliable resource for those seeking answers in a world filled with uncertainty.


Michael R. Licona


William A. Dembski


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