Escape from Reason

4.50 out of 5 stars


In an era where emotions have supplanted reason as the ultimate authority, we find ourselves lost in a sea of anxiety, despair, and purposelessness. Despite our fixation on personal experience and feelings, we're still searching for a sense of direction. How did we stray so far from the path of truth? And where can we find a way back? Francis A. Schaeffer's seminal work offers a profound diagnosis of our modern malaise. By examining the trajectory of twentieth-century thought, he uncovers the key ideas that have shaped our culture, from the fragmentation of philosophy and science to the decline of reason in art and popular culture. Written with prophetic insight, Schaeffer's critique not only anticipated the postmodern landscape but also illuminates Christianity's promise to provide hope and purpose in a world desperately in need of both.


Francis A. Schaeffer


J. P. Moreland


IVP Classics

The Apologist Project

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