Engaging the New Age: Areopagus Journal The Journal of the Apologetics Resource Center


"The New Age Movement" is a term that encompasses a diverse array of spiritual philosophies and practices. However, many associated with this movement have abandoned the term due to its negative connotations. Alternative labels include "Eastern Mysticism," "Higher Consciousness Movement," "Neo-paganism," and the "Human Potential Movement." At its core, the movement represents a blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, occultism, Western materialism, and narcissism. Alternatively, it can be seen as the fusion of Western materialism and hedonism with Eastern mysticism. This issue of the Areopagus Journal explores the roots of the New Age, the pantheistic notion that "everything is one," the Wiccan worldview, and the connection between Harry Potter and witchcraft.


James Herrick


Keith Gibson


Craig Branch


Clete Hux


Paul Copan


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