Does God Exist? (2020): The Craig-Flew Debate
4.40 out of 5 stars
This book is particularly useful for those interested in the philosophy of religion and those who want to explore the question of God's existence.
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The debate on God's existence continues to be a central concern in the philosophy of religion. This book presents the most recent discussions on this topic by leading contemporary philosophers. The core of the book is an edited transcript of a public debate between William Craig and Antony Flew, which took place on the 50th anniversary of the famous Copleston/Russell debate. The debate is further enriched by eight additional chapters written by prominent philosophers, including Paul Draper, R. Douglas Geivett, Michael Martin, Keith Parsons, William Rowe, William Wainwright, Keith Yandell, and David Yandell. These chapters offer critiques of the debate and address the key issues raised. The book concludes with responses from Craig and Flew, providing a comprehensive summary of the current discussion on God's existence. This book is an essential resource for those interested in the philosophy of religion and the ongoing debate on God's existence.
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