Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance

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The sexual revolution has reached a fever pitch. The rules have changed. The definition of lust has been rewritten. The family, once the bedrock of society, is now under siege. The notion of lifetime monogamy has given way to a culture of serial monogamy. Pornography has become a mainstream phenomenon, infiltrating homes and lives across the nation. Homosexuality has won widespread acceptance. The Christian principles that guided generations of American families have been abandoned. The questions are clear: What has driven this seismic shift in our culture's values? How do we respond to the new sexual landscape? Dr. Albert Mohler, one of the most influential thinkers of our time, tackles these critical issues head-on in Desire and Deceit. With his characteristic candor and biblical insight, Mohler equips readers to navigate the treacherous waters of modern sexuality and inspires them to speak truth in a society desperate for direction.


R. Albert Mohler Jr.


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