Defending The Gospel Through The Centuries

4.00 out of 5 stars


The book is divided into four sections. Section one covers the early church apologists. Section two covers the apologists of the Middle Ages. Section three covers the apologists of the Reformation and Enlightenment. Section four covers the modern apologists of the 19th and 20th centuries. The author takes a chronological approach to the subject, tracing the development of apologetic thought throughout history. This book is a valuable resource for students, pastors, and laypeople who desire to understand the history of apologetics and its relevance to today's world. It is a comprehensive and engaging study that will equip readers with a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and its defense. The book is a treasure trove of information on the greatest Christian apologists throughout history, providing a helpful overview of their lives, writings, and contributions to the field of apologetics. Dr. Montgomery's book is a significant contribution to the field of apologetics, offering a thorough and accessible exploration of the subject. From the apostle Paul's impassioned plea on Mars Hill to CS Lewis's compelling arguments at Oxford, Dr. Montgomery masterfully surveys the rich history of Christian apologetics. By examining the lives and works of the greatest apologists, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and its defense, as well as the relevance of these master apologists to contemporary Christian witness. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of apologetics and its importance in today's world.


John Warwick Montgomery


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