Darwin on Trial

4.60 out of 5 stars


In 1991, Professor of Law Phillip Johnson dared to challenge the status quo, posing two provocative questions: Is evolution a scientifically substantiated fact or a mere theoretical construct? And does natural selection constitute a verified mechanism of evolutionary change or an unproven hypothesis? Johnson's unwavering commitment to following the evidence, no matter the outcome, remains as pertinent today as it was then. According to Johnson, the arguments purporting to establish a Darwinian-based theory of evolution continue to rely on faith - specifically, faith in philosophical naturalism. In this revised edition, Johnson addresses criticisms of his original work and reiterates that scientists have prematurely accepted as fact what should still be considered an unproven hypothesis. The book also features a new, expanded introduction by renowned biologist Michael Behe, who underscores the enduring relevance of Johnson's incisive analysis.


Phillip E. Johnson


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