Creation out of Nothing: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration

4.30 out of 5 stars


For centuries, the Christian church has held fast to the conviction that God brought the universe into being from the void. Yet, dissenting voices, both within and outside the faith, have long posited that the universe has coexisted eternally with its Creator. The question remains: who possesses the truth? Does it even matter? In their groundbreaking work, Creation out of Nothing, Paul Copan and William Lane Craig delve into the biblical, philosophical, and scientific underpinnings of this pivotal doctrine, underscoring the far-reaching implications it holds for our understanding of God's singular nature and supreme authority. This book is a clarion call to thoughtful Christians, urging them to grasp the profound significance of creation ex nihilo, while also illuminating for non-believers the centrality of this doctrine to the very fabric of Christian theology.


Paul Copan


William Lane Craig


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