Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix?

4.80 out of 5 stars


In this crisp and thought-provoking introduction, John Lennox navigates the complex intersection of science and faith, offering astute insights into the most pressing debates. The question remains: can a genuine faith in God coexist with the relentless pursuit of scientific truth? Building upon the foundations laid in God's Undertaker, Lennox reexamines the viability of a Christian worldview in light of recent breakthroughs in scientific understanding. He delves into the realms of evolutionary theory, the origins of life and the universe, and the enigmatic concepts of mind and consciousness, providing a rich and nuanced exploration of the science-religion dialogue. With characteristic intellectual rigor and gracious tone, Lennox presents a compelling case for the Christian perspective, making this book an essential read for anyone grappling with the intricate relationship between science and God.


John Lennox


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