Confucius for Christians: What and Ancient Chinese Worldview Can Teach Us about Life in Christ

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Wisdom from an Eastern tradition can enrich the lives of Jesus followers everywhere. This unique book explores ways of using resources from the Confucian wisdom tradition to inform Christian living. Neither highlighting nor diminishing the differences between Confucianism and Christianity, Gregg Ten Elshof reflects on questions and issues in the Christian life with the Confucian worldview in mind.. In examining such subjects as family, learning, and ethics, Ten Elshof sets the typical Western worldview against the Confucian worldview and considers how each worldview lines up with the teachings of Jesus. Pointing to much that is good and helpful in the Confucian tradition, Ten Elshof shows how reflection on the teachings of Confucius can inspire a deeper and richer understanding of what it really means to live the Jesus way. This groundbreaking book bridges the gap between East and West, exploring how Confucian wisdom can enrich the lives of Jesus followers worldwide. By examining key aspects of Christian living, such as family, learning, and ethics, through the lens of Confucianism, author Gregg Ten Elshof reveals the valuable insights this ancient tradition offers. Rather than pitting the two worldviews against each other, Ten Elshof thoughtfully considers how they can complement and deepen our understanding of the Jesus way, inspiring a more profound and nuanced Christian practice.


Gregg A. Ten Elshof


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