Civilization Jihad and the Myth of moderate Islam

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In a time of unprecedented threat, a silent war is being waged against the United States. Unbeknownst to the average American, a powerful and insidious enemy has been secretly infiltrating our institutions, manipulating our society, and undermining our government. Since 2004, our government has been aware of this menace, but the public remains largely in the dark. The enemy is the Muslim Brotherhood, a shadowy organization that has declared war on Western civilization through a campaign of stealth and deception known as Civilization Jihad. While the brutal tactics of ISIS have dominated the headlines, the Muslim Brotherhood's subtle yet pervasive influence has gone largely unreported. This book exposes the shocking truth about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of our colleges, public schools, and highest levels of government, revealing a threat that is all too real and all too close to home.

Maintained by The Apologist Project.


Paul Sutliff


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