Christianity and Modern Medicine: Foundations for Bioethics

4.70 out of 5 stars


The book is an invaluable resource for those grappling with the complexities of modern medicine and the moral dilemmas that accompany it. Christianity and Modern Medicine: A Bioethical Conversation for the 21st Century Cutting through the moral fog in medical science, Christianity and Modern Medicine raises vital questions about the intersection of faith and healthcare. In this timely volume, bioethicist Mark Wesley Foreman and attorney Lindsay C. Leonard tackle the most pressing ethical dilemmas facing medical professionals, from procreational ethics and genetic engineering to physician-assisted suicide and clinical decision-making. By exploring the tensions between medical advancements, patient rights, and Christian values, Foreman and Leonard provide a framework for navigating the complex moral landscape of modern medicine. Written for students and professionals in the medical field, as well as Christians seeking to engage with the moral dimensions of healthcare, this book offers a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the ethical challenges shaping the future of medicine.


Lindsay C. Leonard


Mark W. Foreman


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