Christ and Horrors: The Coherence of Christology

3.80 out of 5 stars


In the midst of human suffering, how can we reconcile the existence of a loving God with the brutal realities of our world? This book presents a comprehensive Christology that bridges the gap between biblical and philosophical inquiry. Delving into the darkest corners of human experience, including chronic pain, sadistic abuse, and genocide, it uncovers the essential characteristics of the Saviour who can redeem humanity from its most profound struggles. Adams' work is distinguished by its robust defence of the two-natures theory, its portrayal of Christ as an Inner Teacher and collaborative partner in human flourishing, and its compelling arguments for a literal bodily resurrection and a richly embodied Eucharistic presence. Ultimately, this study reveals Christ as the unifying force that integrates Christian doctrine, the cosmos, the church, and the human psyche, offering a profound vision of redemption and restoration.


Marilyn McCord Adams


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