Can We Trust the Bible on the Historical Jesus?

4.30 out of 5 stars


The book is divided into three parts: Part 1: The Debate, Part 2: The Scholars Respond, and Part 3: The Future of Jesus Research. The book is an excellent introduction for those interested in the historical Jesus and is suitable for both academic and general readers. In this captivating volume, two esteemed New Testament scholars, Bart Ehrman and Craig Evans, engage in a stimulating debate about the reliability of the New Testament as a historical source on Jesus. Ehrman, an agnostic, and Evans, an evangelical, delve into the intricacies of historical inquiry, grappling with fundamental questions such as: What constitutes a sound methodology for historical investigation? How do we determine the authenticity of ancient texts? What roles do reason, inference, and interpretation play in shaping our understanding of the past? As they exchange perspectives, readers will find their existing beliefs both affirmed and challenged, prompting a more nuanced and informed approach to the quest for the historical Jesus. The outcome is a more open-minded, critically thinking reader, better equipped to distinguish between truth and fabrication. The book's tripartite structure – featuring the debate, responses from the scholars, and a look ahead to the future of Jesus research – makes it an ideal primer for students and enthusiasts of the historical Jesus. Suitable for both academic and general readers, this book is an indispensable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the ongoing pursuit of the historical Jesus.


Bart D. Ehrman


Robert B. Stewart


Craig A. Evans


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