Can We Still Believe in God?: Answering Ten Contemporary Challenges to Christianity
4.40 out of 5 stars
In this book, Blomberg offers a clear and concise response to each of these challenges, providing a compelling case for the trustworthiness of the New Testament and the Christian faith.
Many individuals who dismiss the existence of God often do so without a thorough understanding of the New Testament's teachings. Despite being perennial, criticisms of Christianity have intensified in recent times, captivating the attention of evangelicals. Renowned biblical scholar and popular speaker Craig Blomberg frequently faces tough questions from skeptics who struggle to comprehend his faith in a religion fraught with perceived contradictions. The skeptics' concerns are varied: How can an all-powerful God permit evil and suffering? Doesn't the Bible promote misogyny, homophobia, and slavery? Are the New Testament narratives riddled with inconsistencies? What about the nature of hell, the violence depicted in Scripture, and the paradox of prayer and predestination? Building upon the success of Can We Still Believe the Bible?, this concise and accessible book delves into the New Testament's responses to ten primary objections to God's existence. Blomberg provides a lucid and persuasive rejoinder to each challenge, presenting a compelling case for the reliability of the New Testament and the Christian faith.
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