Building Belief: Constructing Faith from the Ground Up

4.40 out of 5 stars


This book is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to share their faith with others, especially in today's complex and relativistic culture. Rewrite the text to make it unique and interesting: In a world where truth is often viewed as a mere illusion, sharing faith with others can be a daunting task. Chad Meister's groundbreaking approach, the Apologetics Pyramid, offers a beacon of hope. This logical and easy-to-follow framework empowers individuals to navigate the murky waters of relativism and emerge with a profound understanding of Christian beliefs. In Building Belief, Meister masterfully guides readers up the pyramid's ascending steps, starting with the universal doubt that plagues many: "Is anything really true?" From this foundation, he constructs a compelling case for absolute truth, the existence of God, and the authority of the Bible, culminating in the life-changing revelation that Jesus is the Son of God, offering salvation to all. This book is a precious resource for anyone seeking to share their faith with conviction and confidence in today's complex, relativistic culture.


Chad Meister


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