Biblical Insight to Tough Questions: Volume 10

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In today's fast-paced society, we're constantly seeking innovative solutions to living a fulfilling life. But what if the secret to a life well-lived has been hiding in plain sight for centuries? The Ten Commandments, divinely revealed to Moses, hold the timeless wisdom to unlock a life of purpose and meaning. These ten principles serve as the universal guideposts for navigating life's complexities and achieving true well-being. Dr. Jim Denison's tenth volume of Biblical Insight to Tough Questions delves into the heart of each commandment, addressing pressing questions such as: What's the significance of monotheistic worship? How do modern idols infiltrate our lives? What's the true meaning of reverence for the divine? Is Sabbath rest still relevant today? Why should we prioritize family honor? Does the prohibition on murder apply to our daily choices? How can we overcome lust and desire? Am I guilty of theft in my daily interactions? How can I cultivate honesty in a world of deception? And what's the true cost of coveting what belongs to others? As a token of appreciation for your support in helping people discern the news from a biblical perspective, we'd like to send you a complimentary copy of Dr. Denison's insightful book, Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 10.


Dr. Jim Denison


Biblical Insight to Tough Questions

The Apologist Project

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