Biblical Insight to Tough Question: Volume 6

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In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus issued a profound invitation: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). For years, I've poured out my questions to God, assuming that Jesus' words were tailor-made for my inquiring mind. But as I've walked alongside others in ministry, I've come to realize that everyone harbors doubts and curiosities about God. The good news is that God longs to engage with our deepest questions, speaking directly to our hearts, minds, and souls. That's why I'm excited to share this latest installment of our Biblical Insight to Tough Questions series, which tackles ten of the most pressing and perplexing questions of faith. From navigating divisive issues with nonbelievers to understanding the complexities of predestination and election, this book provides biblical guidance and insight to help you find answers and deepen your relationship with God. My prayer is that these pages will not only expand your understanding of God's Word but also draw you into a more intimate, life-giving connection with the One who loves you most. Get your copy of Biblical Insight to Tough Questions, Vol. 6 today, and may the wisdom of Scripture bring refreshment and clarity to your life.


Dr. Jim Denison


Biblical Insight to Tough Questions

The Apologist Project

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