Attack on Christianity: 10 Strategies Christ Used to Fight the Culture War

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Across America, Christians are facing relentless persecution from federal, state, and local governments, as well as from powerful secular forces like the media and the ACLU. The ultimate goal of these attacks is to marginalize Christian influence and reshape our culture in their image. If we fail to act, this persecution will only intensify. It's time for Christians to stand up for their religious freedom, but the question remains: how can we do so effectively? In his book Attack on Christianity: 10 Strategies Christ Used to Fight the Culture War, Montana state senator David M. Howard provides a clarion call to American Christians, equipping them to engage with a culture that is increasingly hostile to their values. Howard exposes the lies and irrational attacks that underpin the progressive agenda, and then reveals the ten strategies that Jesus used to challenge the cultural status quo during his time on earth. By studying these strategies, Christians can transform from passive observers to bold advocates for their faith, united in prayer, tactics, and public action. Through Attack on Christianity, Howard argues that the very survival of our Christian nation depends on Christians taking a more public stance, speaking truth and life into the darkness of our culture. By doing so, we can secure for future generations the same precious gift of religious freedom that our forebears bequeathed to us. This book provides a roadmap for Christian involvement, answering the urgent questions of "What can we do?" and "How can we do it?" with practical wisdom and inspiration.


David M. Howard Jr.


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