Art and the Bible

4.60 out of 5 stars


In the words of Francis Schaeffer, "the lordship of Christ should permeate every creative endeavor, elevating the arts to a realm of divine beauty." For too long, Christians have shied away from artistic expression, fearing the idolatry of graven images. Yet, the biblical narrative affirms the arts as a vital aspect of human experience, born from our innate desire to create as image-bearers of a creative God. Art and the Bible, a seminal work, has inspired generations of Christian artists. In this timeless collection of essays, Schaeffer masterfully explores the scriptural roots of various art forms, establishing a comprehensive Christian perspective on art. With eloquence and passion, he argues that the Christian's imagination should soar to unprecedented heights, unbridled by earthly constraints.


Michael Card


Francis A. Schaeffer


IVP Classics

The Apologist Project

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