Aristotle’s Revenge: The Metaphysical Foundations of Physical and Biological Science

4.70 out of 5 stars


In the realm of Aristotelian philosophy of nature, certain concepts have stood the test of time, including actuality and potentiality, substantial form and prime matter, efficient causality, and teleology. Aristotle's Revenge boldly asserts that these foundational ideas not only coexist peacefully with modern science, but are, in fact, tacitly assumed by it. This far-reaching exploration delves into a diverse array of topics, such as the metaphysical underpinnings of scientific inquiry, the validity of scientific realism, and the intricate metaphysics governing space, time, and quantum mechanics. Additionally, the book examines reductionism in chemistry, biology, and neuroscience, as well as the metaphysical implications of evolution. Through its engagement with the latest research in analytic metaphysics and philosophy of science, Aristotle's Revenge forges a vital link between the Aristotelian tradition and contemporary scientific thought.


Edward Feser


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