Apologetics (2015): A Justification of Christian Belief

4.60 out of 5 stars


In this seminal work, esteemed theologian John Frame illuminates the oft-misunderstood realm of Christian apologetics, masterfully disentangling the complex web of proof, defense, and offense. With characteristic erudition, Frame parses the interplay between reason, evidence, and faith, skillfully situating the authority of Scripture and the sovereign lordship of Christ within the broader apologetic landscape. Two areas of particular fascination are his innovative reassessment of probability arguments and a probing examination of the perennial conundrum of evil. Throughout, Frame's scriptural exegesis is both meticulous and illuminating, while his presentation of argumentative frameworks is at once lucid and compelling. A model dialogue in the concluding chapter brings these abstract concepts to vivid life, demonstrating their practical application in real-world conversation. This redeveloped and expanded volume builds upon the foundations laid in Frame's earlier work, Apologetics to the Glory of God, to create a truly landmark contribution to the field.


Joseph E. Torres


John M. Frame


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